Top Tips to start a state school programme

Tony Nelder, President of City of Cambridge RC is leading the EA Youth Rowing schools initiative. We asked him what his top tips are for other clubs who are looking at doing a similar project.

Get buy in from your club. It is important to get the whole club behind the project, consult widely and make sure everyone in the club is ready and excited about the journey. Get the club ready to make the state school teachers and pupils feel welcome from their first visit.
Understand what you want to achieve, be realistic and don’t be afraid to start slowly and build up.
Ask lots of questions and take advice. There is a wealth of experience out there, check out what other charities and clubs have done in your region, connecting with state schools. Reach out to understand what they’ve learnt – their success and the mistakes.
Approach the Head. Schools are quite hierarchical, if the Head wants it to happen, it will happen.
And most importantly, “Dare to make a difference”. Be bold and make it happen.

We know this is about more than simply learning to row. It’s about giving more young people the opportunity to experience the multiple physical and mental health benefits from our sport.


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